Schools, Colleges and Universities

Schools & Colleges

Dr Krause has delivered workshops, seminars and conferences to over 800 schools and colleges.

She has been invited to speak at a variety of school and college conferences to share her views on whole school and college approaches to mental health as well as how to best manage student mental ill health effectively within these settings. She has spoken at many teacher INSET training events and also to parents.

Dr Krause has a research interest in the characteristics of high achievers. She is also interested in developing excellence and exploring how competitive style affects performance.

Head Ed

Dr Krause’s Head Ed digital mental health literacy programme for schools has, as of January 2022 been downloaded by over 1800 UK secondary schools. Head Ed has 9 modules of different mental health topics which include schools, lesson plans for teachers, class exercises and evaluation.


A well-being programme for young people and their schools. It is a fun activity schedule which you practice with the use of the “MINDYOUR5” booklet for a week. Once you’ve completed the week reflect on how you found it and see if you can include the 5 categories as part of your everyday routine. It will help lead to a healthy mind which will, in turn, be a happy mind.

Visit website


Dr Krause is a visiting lecturer for the Postgraduate Clinical Psychology and Counselling Psychology courses, offers lecturers to medical students, teachers, school nurses and occupational health physicians.

She has been actively involved in produced guidance on transition from school to University including producing a booklet Looking after your mental health at University and in developing a Whole University model of mental health.

"‘We found Dr Krause’s talk extremely useful and very well received and evaluated. She is an engaging speaker and an absolute expert on the topic of young people’s mental health and all matters pertaining to this’. "