When things are unjust

Jul 14, 2020

Current exam results have shown an unfairness in a marking scheme. It’s not personal and yet it’s difficult to let go of how it affects you, especially if there have been other unjust experiences that have affected you in the past.
The most common reaction is anger, often accompanied by upset and hurt.
These feelings tend to take over how you think and what you do and sometimes also affect relationships. If you are waiting for a re-mark, this wait may seem even harder to bear when you are feeling hurt and angry.


  • Focus on what you can control rather than focussing on what you can’t. This means doing things you can and noticing the results you get from it.
  • Have a Plan B – You may not need it but it helps to know there is another goal and a structure to work towards.
  • It is hard to shift away from the feelings of injustice but try and focus on feeling positive towards yourself and be kind.
  • Put some boundaries in place to your worries – keep a time aside to think it through and discuss it and focus on some comforting or fun tasks at other times.